Snow brings out the stupids.
We’d like to introduce out newest feature, Friday Fail on MotoringExposure. Friday Fail is the perfect way to end the work week and allows us to laugh and shake our heads at some of the dumbest fails in the automotive world. Whether it’s a picture, video, or a new car, our Friday Fail feature will be sure to leave you saying “WOW” at the idiots of the world.
Warning: there is some NSFW language in this video.
Stupid Driver on I-81 Video
Winter seems to bring out the brightest drivers. People that live in areas that regularly get snow seem to always forget how to drive when snowflakes hit the ground every year. It’s an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it? Common sense is not easily found on snow covered roads. We’ll save our rant on winter driving for another post though…
This week’s Friday Fail comes to us from MrLucas357 on YouTube who was driving down I-81 with some friends when he spotted this stupid driver. As you can see, the roads are surprisingly in good condition given the weather. But, one incredibly stupid driver who seems to have lost their heads where the sun doesn’t shine, decides that the best path is the one less taken on I-81 and drove their Kia Rio through the snow covered grass median.
Now, we can understand if the driver slid into the median by accident due to snow or black ice. Accidents like that happen and people usually stop to get their bearings and make sure there is no damage before getting back on the road. This stupid driver however, thought a nice snow rally in the median across large bumps would be smarter than just stopping.
Watch as the stupid driver goes over bumps in the median, causing a great deal of damage to the Kia Rio and eventually loses their bumper.
[Source: MrLucas357 YouTube Channel]
What do you think of the stupid driver on I-81? Leave a comment and let us know!
Have any Friday Fails that you would like to submit? Send us an email with your picture or video along with your name and some information on the submission to!