Raising awareness for a healthier option for feeding tubes.
Today there are approximately 500,000 Americans that use feeding tubes in order to get the nutrients they need to survive due to various medical conditions. Little Adrianna Smith was diagnosed with Pediatric Anorexia at just a year old, and uses a feeding tube to eat, oftentimes making it hard for her to get her essential nutrients.
Her father, NASCAR Driver, Dave Smith, has taken steps to bring awareness to not only the disorder, but for a new product that allows people with feeding tubes to get healthy nutrition. Located in Wilmington, Ohio, Functional Formularies offers a product called Liquid Hope that is the first commercially-available product for feeding tubes made from organic whole foods. Other products on the market can contain chemicals and be made up of over 50-percent corn solids.
“For the last two years, my wife and I have searched tirelessly for a solution to get our daughter the proper nutrition”, said Smith. “As a former premature baby, born at 3 ½ months early, Adrianna was never a good eater. At age one, we were forced to have a feeding tube surgically placed in her stomach so that we could feed her. She was starving herself to death”.
Using his NASCAR racecar, Smith decided to partner with Functional Formularies to bring awareness to the beneficial product with the goal of helping others using feeding tubes to eat. Smith also plans on adding the sponsorship to his Porsche that will be raced at a Grand-Am event at Daytona in the near future.
To find out more about Functional Formularies and their Liquid Hope product, visit their website.