Saying ‘goodbye’ to Speed with this memorable commercial.
As of August 17th, Speed Channel will be no more. Instead, we will have FOX Sports 1, which will focus more on a wider range of sporting events (including motorsports), instead of the automotive programming we’ve come to enjoy on Speed Channel.
As we say ‘goodbye’ to the channel that gave us all kinds of racing, motorsports, and automotive shows, let us recall one of its best commercials.
Remember the old “Mac vs. PC” commercials in which a young, hip Mac made the old, boring PC look stupid. Well, Speed Channel used the same idea to show the differences between a NASCAR fan and an open-wheel racing fan.
It’s racing stereotypes at its finest, and a funny look at the world of motorsports.
RIP Speed Channel.
Source: Can Y0uHandleIt YoutTube Channel
Hat tip to Matthew Pritchard!
Are you the NASCAR fan or the open-wheel racing fan?