Pro Tip: You Don’t.
We all love a good hamburger. We all love some good World Rallycross Championship racing too. So, why not combine both? Well, it sounds like a good idea, just not at the same time.
Superstar Chef and Burger Master, DJ BBQ, teamed up with World Rallycross Championship Commentator, Andrew Coley, to see how well the two passions worked together. So, they both donned racing suits and strapped themselves into a Rallycross car. Coley sat in the driver’s seat while DJ BBQ was in the passenger’s seat, armed with a box of ingredients.
Then, the two set off with Coley mashing the throttle and accelerating at an eye-popping pace. DJ BBQ attempted to build a burger with buns, patty, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and more, but it proved to be utterly impossible with each turn and the jump at the end.
The only kind of burger that could possibly be made was a plain patty sitting between two buns, clenched by DJ BBQ’s white-knuckled death grip.
So, while burgers and World Rallycross Championship racing are both awesome, they don’t go well together at the same exact time.
Source: FIA World Rallycross Championship
Do you think you could build a good hamburger while riding in the passenger seat of a rally car?