
The Coolest Way to Pull Your Son’s Loose Tooth

Camaro Tooth Pull

The tooth fairy better be bringing a Hot Wheels Camaro…

We all remember that time in our young lives where our baby teeth began to get loose and fall out. We had dreams of the tooth fairy slipping money beneath our pillows while we slept and came up with ways to rip those suckers out of our mouths.

Camaro Tooth Pull

This kid has the coolest Dad ever and one of the best ways to pull a loose tooth. We’ve all heard of tying the loose tooth to a door knob and slamming it, but this trumps that easily. The kid’s Dad took his 400+ horsepower Chevrolet Camaro with its roaring exhaust and tied it to his son’s loose tooth.

With the boy holding the bit of floss loosely, the Camaro sped off as it ripped the tiny tooth out of his mouth.

After the Camaro sped away, the boy smiled in amazement, but this time there was one less pearly white staring at the camera!

Source: Rob Venomous YouTube

Is this is coolest way to pull a loose tooth as a car enthusiast?


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