Pay attention, folks.
You should always be aware of your surroundings while driving for safety. In Canada, one drive found out the hard way about why you don’t make illegal maneuvers in traffic and always pay attention to your surroundings.
During a big traffic jam, the driver of a Hyundai Elantra was growing very impatient at the lack of movement on the two-lane road, so they go into the center turn lane as traffic was coming towards them. Beside them sat a big Ford Explorer Police vehicle. Thankfully, behind the two vehicles was a car that had a dashboard-mounted camera rolling.
After traffic in the oncoming lanes cleared, the Elantra sped off into them and then back into the center turn lane in an effort to beat the traffic jam. The police officer wasn’t as oblivious as the Elantra driver and quickly pulled the car over for the illegal maneuver.
This is why it’s always a good idea to pay attention and not drive like an idiot.
Source: KTT88 YouTube
How oblivious was this Hyundai Elantra driver?