Public humiliation AND a ticket.
Thankfully, there are laws around the world that give people with disabilities rights and protections, and also ensure that they are able to complete everyday tasks that we often take for granted. Handicapped parking spots give people that have trouble moving to- and/or from their automobile the ability to get to their destination easier rather than parking far away.
Brazil has laws protecting people with disabilities, and handicapped parking spots fall under that legal umbrella. If you don’t have a permit, then you cannot take advantage of the location of the designated parking spots.
Just like everywhere else in the world, there are those that park in these spots that are not permitted to do so for whatever reason. Thankfully, these people in Brazil made a statement with this offender.
Bystanders plastered the entire SUV with Post-It notes with the International Symbol of Access to teach the offender a lesson. The owner was clearly angry when he got back to the car, furiously trying to clear the windows of the sticky blue and white papers. In the end, he gave up and drove away with his SUV littered with the Post-It notes.
To top it all off, the police also issued him a ticket.
How great is to see this instant karma for parking in a handicapped spot?