Especially when you’re driving a truck.
Traffic lights are used at intersections because they prevent accidents and help motorists travel in an orderly way. Getting stuck at a red light is annoying, but it’s there for everyone’s safety. That’s why you shouldn’t ever run them, and here’s one example of what can happen.
In Cape Girardeau, MO, the driver of a Lowe’s truck ignored a red light at a busy intersection and caused a huge accident. A driver of a Hyundai went through the intersection because they had the green light and the right of way, however, there was a big Lowe’s truck driving through right in front of them under a red light. Although the Hyundai driver attempted to brake, there was no way the car could stop in time and prevent hitting the truck.
The impact caused the truck to lose control and turn onto its side while skidding through the intersection. The truck slid into the Jeep in the oncoming lane and the dashcam-equipped Subaru with Robert Orr behind the wheel.
Orr was sitting in the left-turn lane on Highway 74 when the Lowes truck came barreling towards him. According to the Southeast Missourian, the “two men in the truck walked away with little or no injuries, though he said the driver was distraught over the accident.”
The driver of the Hyundai was also relatively lucky considering how hard the impact with the truck was as it ran the red light. “The woman in the vehicle that hit the Lowe’s truck, he said, was put into an ambulance on a stretcher, but she was sitting up and on her phone.”
Just pay attention and don’t run red lights, folks. It’s pretty simple.
Source: Raistlin Orr YouTube, Southeast Missourian
How stupid was the driver of this Lowe’s truck to run a red light and cause this huge accident?