This is just a bad idea.
People have always been trying to figure out ways to walk their dog without actually walking their dog. The most popular is putting a pooch on the treadmill and running it on a low, manageable speed. This girl in Stockton, California, thought that driving and walking her dog was an even better idea.
While “walking” her dog, she was caught by Amanda Brajkovich who happened to be driving by and took out her cell phone camera to record what she was seeing.
Not only was she driving the dog for a walk, but there was a child in the Pontiac Sunfire who was holding onto the leash and pulling the dog.
After reporting the incident, Director of the Stockton Animal Services department, Phillip Zimmerman, was very upset, according to CBS Sacramento. “We have a lack of humane education not only for adults obviously in this case but as children as well children,” said Zimmerman. “If we don’t teach children that this isn’t OK, this is what happens.”
The Animal Services department is currently investigating the video to identify the woman driving, and the incident could result in the driver being charged with animal cruelty.
Driving and walking your dog is very irresponsible and could result in a variety of accidents involving the dog and/or other drivers.
Don’t get a pet if you cannot properly take care of them. Get off your ass and walk them yourself.
Source: CBS Sacramento, Facebook
How mad would you be if you saw someone “walking” their dog like this?