Seriously, don’t get high and drive, folks.
You should all know why it’s very, very bad to drive under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. It’s seriously dangerous to you and everyone else on the road as well. Just take a look at this man, who is obviously under the influence of something as he attempts to pump fuel at a filling station in Grangemouth, Scotland.
The driver attempts to fill his car with gasoline through the fuel cap and also fill it with diesel fuel through the tailpipe. That should’ve been reason for every bystander and the attendant to call the police right off the bat.
Then, he puts both nozzles back and gets behind the wheel, where he lurches the car forward before backing up next to the pump. Here, he stumbles towards the pump and puts the nozzle in the fuel tank for literally eight seconds, then stumbles back into the driver’s seat to be on his merry way.
Not only does this guy get a big ‘Friday FAIL’ stamp of disapproval for driving while intoxicated, but every person who saw him there also gets one for not alerting the police that he was driving. If you see someone this intoxicated getting behind the wheel, you need to alert the authorities for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Source: Jamster 1 YouTube
Would you have let this guy get behind the wheel if he was acting this way?