There’s a whole lotta’ FAIL going on here.
Thanksgiving Eve night is one of the bigger times of the year for drinking and police usually step up their patrols to make sure they get impaired drivers off the road. Just ask 25-year-old Sally Kurgis of Bexley, Ohio. At 2:00 AM on Thanksgiving day, she blew right through a red light driving her Nissan Rogue. Luckily, there was a police patrol car with the dashcam rolling right beside her when she ran the red light.
So, the officer pursued Kurgis, who did not stop for the flashing lights and siren blaring behind her Rogue. Instead, she drove home where she stopped in her driveway. As the officer exited his vehicle, she decided to lay on the most annoying horn in the world and blast her music while backing into the police cruiser and taking officers on a back-and-forth chase in her driveway.
After that FAIL of a driveway chase, Kurgis decides to go back out for a cruise on the streets where she is chased by a few more patrol cars. Finally, they decide to end it with a PIT maneuver and finally brought the car to a stop. But, Kurgis still wouldn’t leave the vehicle, so officers smashed the windows and used a taser to remove her.
According to MyFox28, Kurgis is facing nine charges including felonious assault, fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest, running a red light, backing without safety, driving over a curb, damage to city property, reckless operation of a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of an accident.
To add on top of the car chase FAIL, Kurgis’ father is Kevin Kurgis, a Personal Injury Attorney and this will reportedly be her third DUI charge.
Source: MyFox28Columbus, 10TV
On a scale of 1-10, how big of a FAIL is this car chase?