Better call a tow truck too.
This week’s Friday FAIL is somewhat of a sarcasm-filled joke out of American Fork, UT. An illegally parked Barbie Jeep was issued a ticket by police. Yes, a police officer who either had nothing better to do and a big sense of humor, decided to issue an Abandoned Vehicle ticket on a Barbie Jeep.
The Barbie Jeep has been the go-to choice for those dangerous little girls who rack up felonies left and right and run the streets of suburban neighborhoods with an iron fist. This one just happened to be parked illegally and the police took decisive action and ticketed the dangerously parked vehicle, making a statement that these little girls do not run the streets of this town.
The police officer saw that the Jeep had been left out in the street and moved the Jeep into the driveway with that bright orange ticket as a friendly and comical warning.
Talk about standing up to crime. This officer takes it to the next level.
The father of the two girls, and 7-year-old Autumn seemed to be in good spirits about the whole situation and got a kick out of the whole ordeal. Good thing that the police didn’t call to have it towed.
Just make sure you park your Barbie Jeep and Little Tikes Cozy Coupes in the garage after a night of criminal activity, kids. FAIL on you, criminal kids and hat-tip to the law enforcement officers of American Fork, UT for keeping the streets clean.
Do you think the police taught the girls a funny lesson?