Because the best way to respond to a compliment is a KO punch…
You see a car with a set of wheels that looks really nice. So nice, that you compliment the driver on the fitment. The two of you strike up a conversation about the wheels and the car, and a nice chat follows.
That’s what normally happens when you pay another automotive enthusiast a compliment on their vehicle. That is, if you’re not Daman Lehman.
James Foster, 21, was outside of a bar in Puyallup, WA, when he noticed a Lexus with aftermarket wheels owned by Leman. Foster then complimented the wheels and asked about what brand they were. Reportedly, Leman responded by punching Foster in the face. When Foster did not retaliate, Leman struck him again, this time knocking him out and causing him to collapse onto the pavement with his head striking the ground. Witnesses say that after Foster hit the ground, Leman boasted about his ability to put people to sleep.
Leman was later arrested for first-degree assault and posted the $75,000 bail. Foster was taken to the hospital where he remained in a coma until Saturday, May 5th, when he was able to finally open his eyes and squeeze his girlfriend’s hand.
To give you an idea as to what type of person Leman is, he had listed his interests on facebook as being: “UFC: Ultimate Fighting Championship, AFFLICTION, Golds Gym Richland Wa, Powerhouse Restaurant and Brewery, reddit, 9GAG, Summit Pub, Vision Quest Sport and Fitness.”
Since when does a compliment from an automotive enthusiast warrant a knockout punch that will change a person’s life forever? We hope that James Foster can return to a normal life and still enjoy the world of automobiles. As far as Leman; we hope that justice is served and that he has to pay the consequences for his violent actions. There was no reason for them, and there’s no room for people like you in the automotive community.
For more information, follow as they follow the case.
[Source: Jalopnik,, VWVortex]
What do you think should happen to Daman Lehman for his actions? Leave a comment and let us know!