Hey guys, don’t be stupid.
The whole point of our ‘Friday FAIL’ feature on MotoringExposure is to bring attention to all the stupid things that people do on or to motorized vehicles. This guy showing off while riding an ATV on the road without a helmet is the perfect example.
While trying to show off for the camera by popping wheelies on a busy road, the ATV rider drifts into the oncoming lane. Turns out, there’s a car driving in that lane coming straight for him. As they both try to apply the brakes, it’s too little, too late, and the ATV rider hits the fender, flies off the ATV, and does a flip in the air before landing on the ground and losing a sandal.
A helmet would’ve been a good idea. Then again, so would staying in your own lane and not trying to show off on a public road as well.
Source: Car Crash Catalog YouTube
How stupid was this ATV rider for trying to show off on a public road?