Oh Volkswagen…
In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, Volkswagen has been under huge scrutiny and is expected to be subjected to huge fines for the emissions-defeating devices in their vehicles.
At the Geneva International Motor Show, Volkswagen – like virtually every other automaker there – was unveiling a range of new vehicles to a sea of press. During their conference, a man dressed as a Volkswagen mechanic and armed with a wrench and “cheat box” ran onto the stage and began to “fix” the car that was on stage.
Presenter and Executive at Volkswagen, Juergen Stackmann, tried to continue the presentation and prevent the protester from interrupting to no avail. At one point, the frustrated Stackmann proclaimed “It doesn’t need repair; it’s a perfect car. Thank you!”
When three security guards got on stage, the protester explained that “it is okay as long as no one finds out about it.”
While protesters can often be annoying, this guy gets a gold star for his effort, while Volkswagen gets a Fail for the way that they handled it.
Source: Wall Street Journal
How funny was this protester at the Volkswagen conference at the Geneva Motor Show?