The worst/hardest way to leave a parking lot.
Our Friday FAIL features at MotoringExposure are usually filled with head-scratching, comical stupidity from around the globe. This, however is mind-bogglingly hard and almost infuriating to watch. This has to be the worst driver not just Calgary, but all of North America.
At a parking lot in Calgary, a woman driving a BMW X3 attempted to back out of a space. Only she did by backing up into the Mazda 3 behind her. When that’s how the video starts, you know it’s going to be one for the ages.
She then proceeds to back up and maneuver around the parking lot in the most difficult way possible, attempting numerous million-point turns, even when the one car blocking her in drives away. Finally, the driver of the Mazda 3 comes out and helps her leave the lot, only to find out that she hit his car.
Luckily the security camera captured the incident. However, that’s not the entire story. According to Calgary police digital communications officer Const. Jeremy Shaw, the driver was even spoken to at the scene.
Update: Even videos don't always tell entire story. Driver in recent parking lot video was spoken to at scene…1/3 #yyc
— Cst. Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) December 8, 2014
2/3 of collision by @CalgaryPolice. A summons for unsafe backing was issued following investigation by patrol officers. #yyc
— Cst. Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) December 8, 2014
3/3 All parties have been cooperative and the investigation is now closed. Drive safe all! #yyc
— Cst. Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) December 8, 2014
Thankfully, she was ticketed for the incident. Knowing her Canadian roots, she probably apologized profusely for the accident.
Source: Kidzidzi Kidzidzi YouTube Channel
Is this the worst attempt to leave a parking lot you’ve ever seen?