Taking a look at the magic of the ‘RS’.
The ‘RS’ letters carry arguably more weight in Porsche’s road-going sports cars than anything else. These two capital letters stand for ‘Rennsport’ – German for racing. These street-legal machines are packed from head-to-toe with Porsche’s motorsport DNA and serve up an exhilarating and engaging dynamic that’s hard to replicate.
Throughout the years, numerous cars have been given the mighty ‘RS’ designation making them highly sought-after and special, and it’s easy to see why. They’re lighter, faster, more nimble, and are built for going around a track as fast as possible while barely adhering to the laws in place for road-going vehicles.
The latest preview from Motorhead Magazine in Japan of ‘King of cool – RS BLOODLINE’ by Luke Huxham gives us a taste of what makes the classic Porsche RS models so special and enjoyable. This may just be a preview, but you can pick up the Motorhead Magazine along with the free DVD of the film in bookstores, Amazon, and other retailers today.
Source: Japan Motor Head
Director: Luke Huxham
What are some of your favorite Porsche RS models?