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Here’s More Sights and Sounds from the 2017 Goodwood FOS

More 2017 Goodwood Festival of Speed Fun

Because the Festival of Speed is automotive heaven.

There is no possible way that you can go to the Goodwood Festival of Speed and be able to take in all of the sights, sounds, and even smells without short-circuiting your car-fueled brain. You shouldn’t even try because nothing will ever come close to the fun and enjoyment of the insane array of vehicles showing off and racing through the course.

More 2017 Goodwood Festival of Speed Fun

That’s one reason why the event is covered like crazy. You are guaranteed to miss something, and for some of us that weren’t there, we need to take it all in as much as we can.

Thankfully, YouTubers and other members of the media like effspot have compiled all of their footage into lengthy videos that gives us just a little taste of what the horsepower-filled event was like from trackside and more.

So, sit back, and relive your time at the Goodwood Festival of Speed or use this as inspiration to start saving on a trip for next year.

Source: effspot YouTube

What were some of your favorite cars at the 2017 Goodwood Festival of Speed?


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