Pranking some Mercedes-Benz techs.
Petter Solberg is a three-time FIA World Champion and knows more than a thing or two about how to properly drive the living hell out of a car. However, the makeup-clad, old-man version of the Norwegian driver isn’t one that you’d expect to go for a good old fashioned hoon, and these Mercedes-Benz technicians got quite the surprising ride.
Solberg was given a full array of old-man makeup and the typical geriatric wardrobe before getting behind the wheel of a Mercedes-AMG C63 S wagon. He called the Bertel O. Steen Bil employees to help him diagnose a problem that he was having as part of the prank, to which they all obliged to ride along.
Solberg then took them into a somewhat empty parking lot and pretended to drive at a pedestrian before unleashing all sorts of hell on the asphalt. All of the techs were scared during the ride with one even demanding that he stop and let him out.
Once they found out who was driving, they all had quite the laugh.
Source: Petter Solberg YouTube
Would you think this old man in a Mercedes-AMG C63 S is Petter Solberg?