*Insert Italian supercar joke here*
It’s not uncommon to see an Italian supercar go up in flames. They have been for decades and its part of their magical Italian character that makes them such great automobiles. This recent three-way Lamborghini fire in Malaysia, however, isn’t due to some crazy supercar suicide.
On a highway in Malaysia, two Lamborghini Gallardos and an Aventador were on their way to a charity event. The trio was not speeding or racing, as tempting as that may sound. One local driver, however, accidentally swerved into the convoy, causing all three to collide and the fire from one to spread to the other two.
Thankfully, nobody was injured in the accident except the pocketbooks of insurance companies.
Source: Wynn YouTube Channel, Nicholas TJ.R |Photography| Facebook
What would you have done if you caused this Lamborghini accident?