If it has a motor, it needs to be raced.
There are popular forms of motorsports such as Formula 1, NASCAR, World Rally Championship, and tons more. Then there’s the more obscure, crazy kinds of racing with strange vehicles that are incredibly entertaining and fun to be a part of as a spectator or driver.
There’s so many crazy, head-scratching forms of racing around the world that the guys at Donut Media decided to make a Top-10 list of the utterly insane. There’s Adult Power Wheels racing, Mobility Scooter racing, Skidplate Racing, and lots more including one that has drivers chasing around piglets.
It’s these types of obscure motorsports that makes racing fun for everyone. If it has a motor, you can race it – and you can bet that others will too!
Source: Donut Media
What kind of obscure, crazy racing series is your favorite?