Crowning the king of speed.
For years, the Bugatti Veyron has been the king of speed reaching digits never thought possible for a production vehicle. Unfortunately, the million-dollar-plus supercar has seen its production come to an end as new hybrid supercars that are looking to take its throne.
One of those is the Ferrari LaFerrari. The hybrid V-12 powertrain is packed with all sorts of incredible technology that results in an output of 950 horsepower and 664 lb-ft. of torque (combined). The Bugatti boasts 1,001 horsepower and all-wheel drive, but it quite the heavyweight compared to the lighter LaFerrari.
At the Vmax 200 Stealth, the two lined up at a damp drag strip for a top speed showdown. After a trip down the runway, the Bugatti clocked in with a 214 mph speed while the LaFerrari was back at 206 mph.
Although the track was a bit damp, the Bugatti still held onto its crown as the king of speed. Later that day with a drier surface, it clocked a 224 mph speed.
Source: Shmee150
Would you rather have the Bugatti Veyron or Ferrari LaFerrari in a drag race?