One in the trio finds a home.
Remember that super-exclusive 50th anniversary car that Lamborghini created called the Veneno? Well the three cars that were produced for the public are starting their deliveries, and boy do they look and sound fantastic.
Lamborghini only produced three of the Veneno models for the public with red, white, or green trim to correspond with the colors from the Italian national flag. The green-trimmed Lamborghini Veneno was one of the first to find its new home in Miami Beach. Kris Singh is the proud owner of the No.2 Veneno after it was delivered to his residence at 7:00 pm after persistently asking the managing team at Lamborghini to allow him to be a part of their exclusive ownership experience.
Singh is a true “car guy” and isn’t going to abuse his automotive Mona Lisa. He wants to drive it and allow others to enjoy the sights of the incredibly rare Italian hypercar. Singh purchased the car for an incredible $4,106,000 without even seeing the vehicle in person, and wanted the model with the green trim because he believes it to be a true Lamborghini color.
His garage just got a whole lot cooler.
What do you think of the new Lamborghini Veneno and its new home?