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Win Every Argument by Doing a Burnout

CLK63 AMG Black Series Argument Burnout

The joys of driving a CLK63 AMG Black Series.

There are many perks to driving a car like the Mercedes-Benz CLK63 AMG Black Series. Besides doing burnouts, power slides, and hearing the V-8 make all sorts of wonderful noises, you can win every argument on the road.

CLK63 AMG Black Series Argument Burnout

It’s quite simple really. When the other party states the side of the argument, you just do a massive burnout and roast your rear tires as you slowly move away. That’s it.

The only way you can lose that argument is if you can’t handle the power and crash the car or blow a tire. In which case, you just need to hand over the keys because you are not ready for that type of power.

Case and point, this CLK63 AMG Black Series driver arguing with a cyclist.

Mercedes-Benz CLK63 AMG Black Series. Your argument is invalid.

Source: AdamC3046 YouTube

Is this burnout the best way to win an argument?


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