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Everyone’s favorite social media outlet is now featured on your favorite motoring website. Today MotoringExposure.com will be using an all-new interactive Facebook commenting system.
Instead of using the Disqus-powered commenting platform previously featured on MotoringExposure.com, we are switching to a fun, new Facebook commenting system. Why the switch you ask? The new Facebook system allows for quick and easy commenting, while allowing you to share everything with your friends.
Users will be able to post comments using their Facebook account directly on MotoringExposure.com, and have the option to showcase their comment on their wall by checking the “Post to Facebook” box. Doing so will make the comment appear on your friend’s news feed and give them the chance to join the conversation.
Don’t have a Facebook account? Don’t worry, you can also choose to login and comment using your Yahoo! or AOL account and join in on the conversation.
We want to know your thoughts on the new Facebook commenting system. It’s still in the BETA stages so we can tweak it a bit in the future for even more horsepower to better suit your needs. Feel free to send us an email here or friend our Senior Motoring Editor on Facebook and tell him what you think! You can also become a fan of ours by clicking here and let us know how you like the new system by posting on our wall!
So stop by and be a part of the fastest growing automotive community online right here at MotoringExposure.com! Play around with the new commenting system and post your thoughts on some of your favorite articles.