If I were to tell you that Zac Mihajlovic has built a life-sized running replica of the Batmobile and goes around Australia dressed up link the Michael Keaton-era character, you would probably dismiss him as some sort of rich, undeserving, eccentric with more time (two years) and money than he really needs. Zac and his grandfather meticulously worked to make sure that this is a great copy of the car, even to the point of sourcing some of the parts used on the actual movie car.
Now, what if I tell you that Zac has teamed up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and dresses the part, drives his car to the homes of Bat-loving kids who are ill, and then takes them for a spin? Zac has gotten offers for the car that go up to six-figures. However, he has curtailed the offers because he plans to keep on making kids smile. They say cars have a strange effect on some people and those of us that are passionate about them are crazy. On the other hand, a little eccentricity is a wonderful thing when it brings joy to a child’s face. Good work, Batman.
Source: Barcroft Cars
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